Coming Soon!

I am very proud to announce that coming very soon we will have our own private space for our Mixed race community. This will form the heart and hub of everything I do. I want us to feel at ease to share the things that make us feel set apart and Otherered. Away from the hustle and bustle of social media we can really be our authetntic Mixed selves in all our pride and confusion, crisis and celebration.

This will be a space where we can communicate with care and it will be moderated by me to ensure that kindness prevails. “We are from everywhere and for every mix,” is my mission statement because I never intend to gatekeep who can take part and of course I welcome healthy discussion and debate. In the nature of this debate we may use terms that would be flagged as incendury in other spaces – rest assured I will have a keen eye on this and you can always come to me should something go against our guidelines. 

Access to this community will be available for my Patreon subscribers and will include “Cha and Chat” a virtual face-to-face with me on a regular basis. There will be our own chat server and threads for various topics of discussion. In time I have big plans for other ways to use our virtual community centre. If you have ideas for what you might like to see you are always welcome to drop me a line. I want this to be a special and safe place for us all. Where you can hang out with all your Mixed Besties!

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